The Good Time Podcast

New podcast weblog where the main subject is Jesus Christ and the Power of His cleansing blood on our lives. #TrueTestimonies

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Saturday May 01, 2021

Welcome back for another episode of The Good Time Podcast! In today's episode we finish part 2 of Dave's testimony, I'm so grateful to God for a spiritual brother with a powerful testimony of God's goodness and grace. I hope this was a blessing and an encouragement to persist in the persuit of righteousness! God bless

Saturday Apr 24, 2021

Welcome back for Episode 3 of The Good Time Podcast!
Today's episode is a little bit of everything, the grace of God, power from the Bible, Proverbs, The truth and relationship quips! It's always a Good Time talking with Dave, so this is a part 1 of 2 episode today! I hope God uses this for his glory and the glory of his Son, Jesus Christ!

Monday Apr 19, 2021

Another Episode and Testimony of God's Grace and power in our life. So thankful for our brother Chris for his amazing testinony! I hope this episode was an encouragement to all who listen, God was so gracious to him and blessed him with a powerful testimony! Loved the lesson with his story, 'you are always enough for God' and he WILL accept you!

Saturday Apr 17, 2021

The very first of many (God willing) stories and #TrueTestimonies of faith!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
This is a verse I hope all would come to trust in and believe with thier whole heart! Feel free to find yourself comfortable in the comments, I'll be uploading a new episodes 3 times a month, and I'll work out the scheduleing/update you all on future episodes. God Bless you!

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